
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Climate Change-Global Warming

Climate Change

What is the Greenhouse Effect?Greenhouse gases reflect gases back onto the earth and then reheats the earth back up. 

Effects of Global Warming-
  • The effects of global warming have an average increase in temperatures/extreme temperatures
  • Extreme weather events
  • The melting of Ice
  • The pollution in sea levels and the ocean acidification
  • The deaths of animals and different types of species
  • Social effects 

Here are the statistics on sea levels-
-The rising of sea levels.
-The meltings of glaciers have a 20% contribution to the rising of the sea 
-Greenland's ice sheet has contributed with percentage of 25%
-The Antarctic ice sheet has a contribution of 11%
-Our land water storage has a contribution of 10%
-The ocean thermal expansion has a contribution of 30%

What is the solution to climate change?
Some solutions could be-
-Exterminating the burnings of fossil fuels
-Irrigation demands
-Fertiliser use
-Size of land available for food crops
-Cost of food for human consumption
-Pesticide use
-Deforestation required to make space for crops
-Renewable form of energy 

Thursday 21 November 2019

Climate change.

Greta Thunberg
My perspective on Greta Thunberg is that I think she had a point and she is trying to get her point across the globe, I feel that her point was mainly aimed at highly praised people/powerful people/adults. It was very appropriate to approach her statement like that, so people know how much this affects her, mentally and economically. I feel that she wants people to know how she feels about climate changes and how they're affecting the human race and lifespan of everything.

'Hysterical' Thunberg
I think that the adult's reactions were very unnecessary and unkind to how they shared their emotions, I feel that they could've given their point of view in a different approach and that it wasn't necessary to make a mockery of a 16-year-old who's trying to change the world, and make a change to the climate. I feel that the ones that looked immature were the ones that gave a disrespectful statement and some that even made advertisements on her "stupidity".

What does the presenter suggest?
 I feel that the presenter was in the both for agreeing and disagreeing, I feel that he understood her points and agreed, but I also feel he was thinking it was maybe a little over the top, but he understood that she should be learning rather than being afraid of her future and what might happen.

How are the children constructed?
They are shown to be the victims of climate change, and that adults are depending too much on them, they are portrayed to be something they're not. They are too young to be worrying about their future. They are the victims of something big yet to come which could be changed or happen tragically.

What is the viewer's position?
They can either agree or disagree.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Gender Perspectives

In English, my class has been learning about the differences between women and men and how each gender is perceived in most common music videos. Watching these videos mean, I have come to an understanding that males that sing and do music videos, they mostly have women wearing revealing clothes and could be seductively dancing. This shows how most men see women and how they think women should be, sometimes it is even said in the lyrics. When females sing they either show men seductively dancing and being flirtatious or they perceive men as being weaker than females.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Extracting DNA from a kiwifruit

What was the aim of this experiment?
The aim of this experiment was to extract kiwi fruit deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

What method and equipment did we use?
The equipment we used were, spatula, dishwashing liquid, ethanol, funnel, cloth, water, beaker, salt, bag & a kiwifruit.

-We got the equipment
-Cut a kiwifruit in half
-Take the kiwifruit out of the skin and put it into a zip lock bag
-Add 25ml of water and a pinch of salt
-Mush until it becomes a thick soup-like

Image result for kiwifruit dna extraction(image taken from google)

Friday 8 November 2019

The Rock Cycle

The Rock Cycle.
In class, we have been learning about the rock cycle and what type of rocks there are and how they have formed over time. We have also learned where you can find these rocks.
Here is a photo of my map on the Earth's plates and where the lines are.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

E-asTTle Writing Practice.

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Structure, Ideas and language.

I will be doing this by adding more descriptive words that relate to my ideas, I will be focusing more on my language/spelling/language features, and I will also be watching my structure and be spacing out my writing.

Here is my Drafted first part of my paragraph for my persuasive writing.

There are multiple different types of sports in the world, and all most every sport has its own dangers that can happen or occur. You may be thinking about everyday sports, for example, netball, basketball, soccer etc. Those types of sports do have their dangers in them but they’re not nearly as dangerous as sports like, racing cars, horse riding, base jumping etc. 

Here is the updated paragraph of my persuasive writing, it is not yet finished.

Various types of sports are played all around the globe, from sports such as golf, compared to base jumping or wrestling. There are dangers in almost every sport. I feel that all sports shall not be banned, even though some can be dangerous its the fact that any sport can have dangers in, it doesn’t really depend on if its either a sport you could do by yourself, for example, base jumping, skydiving etc, these sports are known to be more dangerous than others, sometimes even life-threatening but so are everyday sports, they can also be dangerous in multiple ways, for example, netball, softball, soccer, basketball etc, the dangers in those could be minor, but they are still dangers that could physically affect and possibly change that person. I feel that any sports that include a ball shall not be banned, whereas other types of sports, for example, skydiving etc, should not be banned either, I feel that if people have a problem with the sport, then they should just not worry about it, or those particular types of sports should have an age/height limit to stop young ones from playing/doing it. For example, children are well known for wanting or doing crazy stuff, they like to be hypo and have fun, adults on the other hand also want this for their children but they would want them to be safe and obviously not to do anything too extreme, so I feel parents and adults would have fewer complaints if those types of sports had an age and some may need a height limit. 

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Research Task-Volcanoes/Mauna Loa (UPDATED-results BELOW!)

How do volcanoes form?
Volcanoes can be formed when magma pushes up through the earth's surface between cracks in tectonic boundaries. Another way could be when magma chambers begin opening up beneath the earth's surface, pushing magma through forming volcanoes.

Where are volcanoes most likely to form?
Volcanoes are only able to form where one tectonic plate sinks into the earth's mantle underneath another tectonic plate. 

What volcano am I focussing on?
The volcano I am researching is Mauna Loa.
The latest eruption from this volcano was the 15th of April 1984.
The amount of damage that was caused, wasn't that bad, there was no one injured due to the eruption, but it did cover 16 miles worth of land owned by the state.

It has been 30 years since the last eruption from Mauna Loa recking 4.5 miles of Hilo, and the eruption lasted from March the 25th to April the 15th.
Mauna Loa has caused around 77 deaths in an eruption during 1846, 46 died due to a volcanic tsunami, and 31 from volcanic mudflows.
The area of the volcano is 5,271km².
This volcano is located in Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
It is known for being the worlds largest volcano in both volume and mass, dwarfed only by the Tamu Massif which is located East of Japan.

Here are some photos of The Mauna Loa:

The explosion:

-(4 science spatulas) of Potassium Iodide
-20ml of Hydrogen peroxide (35%)
-A squirt of dishwashing liquid
-20ml water
-Food colouring.

We have finally created our volcanoes here is my video and some photos of it before and after.

-Our lil explosion

Monday 21 October 2019

Tāne Mahuta

This is a blog post on the god of forests/nature. He is also well known as Tāne Mahuta. Here are some facts on who he was and why he is a god. This also has information on what his other names were, and what he was also known for.

Thursday 26 September 2019


In PE my class have been learning new tricks on gymnastics and how to work on our upper arm strength. We have also been taking videos on some equipment we have been using for example, here is a video of me doing a sequence on the trampoline.

Here is a video of me doing a sequence on the floor.

Here are some videos of me doing a sequence on the parallel bars.

Ways I can improve on my skills are:
-I need to be more confident.
-I need to straighten out my body portions in some sequences.
-I need to be accurate and aim for my goals and what I am striving for.

Monday 26 August 2019

Chapter Response pt 12 Chapter 79

Inan’s amber eyes trap me in the truth of his betrayal, but it isn’t the gaze I
know. He’s a stranger. A soldier. The shell of the little prince.
Note: It is interesting to think about how Zélie became an empty “shell” after Saran
tortured her. After talking with Saran, Inan became a shell, also.
Think back to when Inan said they had no choice but to kill the maji.
Zélie said, “There’s always a choice.”
A message I have taken from this scene is that those who are close to you and made you believe in them can also be those who are evil or feel trapped into doing something they feel is right even though it may seem wrong and could affect the type of relationship you may have together. This also relates to the real world by when someone you loves may not be allowed to love or cherish you, this could be because they might be afraid to go against their parents orders or they might be threatened by someone, so the love you both share together, may never get a chance to grow during to something that may be tragically keeping yous apart.

Chapter Response pt 11 Chapter 74

Note: This time you have not been provided a quote from the story. This is an
King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between maji and kosidán
failed in the past, so he does not want to try again.
Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his
heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite
sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be
everything his Father wants.

A message I have taken from this scene is that even though you may be in love, you might think it is the wrong thing to love someone unliked by many. This also shows both points of views so you may think they are evil but they could think you are, and you wouldn't know because you haven't seen it from their point of view.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Chapter Response pt 10 Chapter 66

Father stands in his night robes, scanning a faded map. No sign of hatred. Not
even a hint of disgust.
For him, carving MAGGOT into a girl’s back is just another day’s work.

In that instant, it hits me: Zulaikha’s death. Zélie’s screams. They don’t mean a
thing to him. Because they’re maji, they’re nothing.

A message I have taken from this scene is people in power and are doing the wrong thing for example dictators etc, they probably had some mishaps in their childhood life causing them to act how they are to this day. This also shows that they have a heart, but it takes the wrong things to get it.

Chapter Response pt 9 Chapter 63

“You know what intrigues me about your kind? You always start in the middle
of the story. As if my father didn’t fight for your rights. As if you maggots didn’t
burn my family alive.”
“You can’t enslave an entire people for the rebellion of a few.”
Saran bares his teeth. “You can do whatever you want when you’re the king.”
A message I have taken from this scene is that even those in power can have deadly orders, they still feel to themselves that they are doing the right thing, and these thoughts could've occurred from trauma or something that had a big effect on them. This could have changed them and their perspectives on people and life drastically.

Fish n chips Practical Week 4

Teamwork aspects:
Task: Making fish n chips
Skills within the team: Communication and sharing ideas.
Improvements: To read the instructions instead of relying on the teacher.
Time management: The food was on time but we needed to be faster with our dishes.

Feedback: The chips were a little undercook, the fish was nice and juicy, and some of the chips had a little bit of crisp to the edges.
Taste/Texture/Colour of Product: The texture of the fish was nice and soft, the chips were uneven sizes so we got some nice crunchy ones and then we had ones that needed another minute in the oven.
Improvements/Modifications which can be made: We accidentally turned the oven 20° lower than it should've been, this was the cause of the undercooked chips.

Next step for my own learning:I should've asked for help when it was needed.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Electricity and Magnetism.

Today I will be doing a blog post on what electricity is and what metals are magnetic and how magnets work.

What is electricity?
Electricity is the flow of electrons as a current.
How an electrical circuit is usually made.
The electrical componants and pieces of wire are linked together in a circuit/circular motion and electrons cannot flow through this circuit if it is either open or uncomplete.  
What is a conductor?
A conductor of electricity is a substance that allows the flow of electrons through it, for example, copper, steel and iron are all conductors.
What is a insulator?
An electrical insulator could be anything which does not allow the flow of electricity through it, here are 4 examples of insulators that does not allow electricity through it, wood, rubber, plastic and glass.
Two common things you would inside of a battery would be metals and a chemical paste.
Why do batteries go flat?
When the battery goes flat it is because the metal or chemical paste has run out.
What is a term to describe devices, such as light bulbs that use electricity to work?
A load is a device that uses electricity to work.
What happens to a bulb when the wire inside, burns out?
The electrons have stopped flowing and the wire begins to shut down.
What happens to a bulb when electricity flows through it?
The electrons start flowing through a tiny wire and then that wire begins to get hot and begins to glow.

Friday 16 August 2019


Here is a small slide/presentation of what my class have been doing in Social Studies.
We are learning about how technology has changed over the years from when it began, to now and what has replaced each technology piece. We are also learning the different types of technology and how it has affected people's lives.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Chapter response pt 8 Chapter 61

Tears sear my vision, falling fast down my face. A Healer. A child.
Yet her last moments are stained with hate.
A message I have taken from this scene is that even the young and innocent can die by the cruelty of another's hand, another message I have taken from this scene is that people can die unexpectedly and in a horrible or cruel way. This relates to the real world because, people's deaths are unknown, and I feel that young children in poverty are suffering and are in need of help. People with power and feel like they are above you, may treat you like trash and can even threaten your life.

Jam Drops- Practicial week 3

(Side note- I was away this day).
Teamwork aspects:
Task: Making a biscuit Jam Drops.
Skills within the team: Communication and sharing ideas.
Improvements: Listen more thoroughly to instructions.
Time management: They were on time.

Feedback: It was really good.
Taste/Texture/Colour of Product: The texture was good. They taste good and had a yellow tint.
Improvements/Modifications which can be made: They should've been in the oven a bit longer just to get more of a golden colour. Listen to instructions more thoroughly and paying more attention.

Next step for my own learning:
I think that I need to include myself more, and maybe that I need to measure more accurately.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Chapter response pt 7 Chapter 59

“How will me coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak,
your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is justified. 
All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring.
They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, face
alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha
created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than
anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the
resources of the monarchy behind us.”
A message I taken from this seen is that when you have doubts and may be confused, you can always find help from someone close by, and when you're misguided you can always ask for others opinion. I also feel that this seen allies with the real world, when people do actually get confused of hard decisions or choices and they may need help by either a lover, family member or friend, which they would be happy to give. This also shows how people can easily convince or influenced others and how others are either easily fooled or smart.

Tuesday 13 August 2019


To investigate the factors that cause rusting in iron.

-Six test tubes
-Test tube rack
-A bung
-Six iron nails
-Boiled water
-Tap water
-Cooking oil
-Calcium chloride
-Nail polish

-Label six test tubes A-D and place in a test tube rack
-Test tube contents: A=Iron nail and tap water
                                B=Iron nail and salty water
                                C=Iron nail, boiled water, oil
                                D=Iron nail and calcium chloride, sealed with a bung
                                E=Iron nail and nail polish (thin layer)
                                F=Iron nail and a magnesium piece wrapped around the nail.

All the nails that had contact with liquids had begun to rust and the one with calcium chloride sealed with a bung, did not rust.

Monday 12 August 2019

Chapter response pt 6 Chapter 52

“I’ll prove myself to you, to all of you,” Inan declares. “You’re on the right side
of this. My only desire is to stand there as well.”
“Good.” I lean forward to hug him, holding on to his promise.
But when his hands wrap around my back, all I can think of are how his fingers
are resting just above my scars.
This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is
Do you trust Inan? Does he deserve a second chance?
Do people in real life deserve second chances?

A message I have taken from this scene is that some people can change even if you've had arguments or disagreements on things, they can still change if you have both seen the story from a different point of view/perspective. It also shows that your worse enemy can become your greatest ally. Do I trust Inan personally? I think that he does deserve a second chance and I do trust him, mostly because either way he HAS to work with them, this being because he is a maji and he has no choice but to go against his father's orders so he can save himself along with all the other majis and deviners. I also think people do deserve second chances but it may need good reasons.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Chapter response pt 6 Chapter 49

Strike, Amari.
Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead.
Be the Lionaire.
A message I have taken from this scene is that, someone closer to you can overpower another person's words, and that someone you love and cherish as a friend, family member or more could have powerful words, which can help your mind ease if you're ever in a difficult position or just need some time to think. This also shows that even some of your closest friends can help remove your darkest demons.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

The power of one- (My assessment term 2) Reflections

(This is my Assessment on The Power of One, My thoughts and reflections will be below).

During the first 35-46 dreadful years of apartheid, it was at it’s strongest point, people who had darker skin were labeled as “coloured” people. It was racial segregation created by the Afrikaaners. In the film The Power of One, directed by John Avildson, during the scene where Peekay and Gideon Duma were running through the village narrow pathways,  whilst passing through the crowd Peekay notices a prolonged extended line which had confused him, so he questioned Gideon about it, saying “What’s the queue for?” “toilet” Gideon replied, “Toilet?” Peekay questions, “The government only allows one of every 200 people”. In this scene you can see the racial differences made and you can see how white people were juxtaposed to black people, this scene, for example, you can see how the people in Alexandra have to share one toilet between 200 people, whereas the Afrikaaners or Englishmen had a toilet in each home, maybe even two if they wanted.

In this scene, we have a glimpse sight of a dolly shot, which can also be known as a tracking shot. This is validated by, when Gideon and Peekay are jogging to the drinking fountain, the camera is seen following the main characters first from in front, then from the side, this being called a tracking/dolly shot. Avildson’s purpose of this shot was to keep the main protagonists in the scene whilst moving into another area or atmosphere. This helps us come to an understanding of how the director wants us to mainly observe the scenery,  their body language and the dialogue. This scene can be juxtaposed from when the raid happened and when all the Afrikaaners such as Sargent Borman, were looking for Peekay and so they jostled their way through Alexandria, harming those who happened to be in the way, until he finally found Peekay, just to try eliminating him, but failed miserably.

In this scene, Avildson had chosen a warm homely atmosphere and particular diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. This is exemplified when Peekay and Gideon were running through the village, the non-diegetic sounds that can be heard are the sounds of a happy town, people having normal conversations, cars turning on and everything you'd see in a happily natural town. The diegetic sounds that can be heard, are a faint sound of a happy melody played by a flute. Avildson’s purpose of using both non-diegetic and diegetic sounds, was to help set the scenery, showing that people of Alexandria were in their own calm environment and that they also feel happiness even though they were treated differently. This technique impacted because, even though there were racial segregations against coloured people, if they still had each other, then they were accepting of how things were and were able to carry on living in peace as long as they stayed quiet. The sounds that are used can be contrasted to when everyone was screaming for their lives whilst the Afrikaaners raided their city. 

In the film The Power of One, long shots were used very effectively. For example, in this scene, just before they begin running, both Peekay and Gideon were to be seen in a long shot with the students and Gideon’s wife also known as Miriam Sisulu. The director’s purpose of using this type of angle is to show the characteristics of the person and their body language, also to show everyone who seems to be talking and the atmosphere behind them. This helps the audience come to an understanding of how he wanted to show us how he would perceive them to be. He is also trying to show us his perspective on how he thinks they would act, their body movement and clothing. This can also be juxtaposed to close up scenes, whereas in those particular scenes, you cannot see their costumes and you are unable to see their body language.

Overall I think that the film, The Power of One, was a very eye-opening film that was well related to the past and was like a vivid imitation of what actually used to happen during apartheid and racial segregation. I think Avildson had a wild but powerful imagination on how he has seen apartheid back in the early 1900s. I feel like this film is a direct message to the world, telling and showing them what the world used to be, and how “coloured” people were separated from white people. The film itself includes more than just apartheid but, racial segregations, wars also between white people, for example, when the Germans had a war against the Englishmen which happened to carry on for months. This particular film also shows parts of normal reality, such as how people treat each other just because looks may be different. This is a really good movie that should be showcased in all schools over the globe, this being so students of each generation should know what has happened in the past and what can happen in the future, showcasing this film to students can make them think about how each person is treated differently, and that a single person can make a big change.

My Reflection.
One thing I'm proud of in my assessment is I'm proud that I got my work finished on time and I am proud of my scores from it. Another thing I am proud of is that I stayed on task and I achieved my goals towards making the assessment. One thing I enjoyed about my assessment would have to be, being able to watch the movie twice, and how I learned more about Afrikaaners and Apartheid. For example, I didn't know what apartheid was and what it meant, now I know when it happened, how it occurred, the reasoning for it, and how long it has been around for, this assessment helped me also learn new camera techniques and camera angles. Something I found challenging about this assessment may have to be writing everything in a body paragraph, in a SEXXY formation and when I had to write my conclusion. Things I found helpful and useful for this, would have to be the example sheet my teacher had given us, I hope it will be given again for the next assessments because it is very useful. One thing I am wondering about is when am I going to use these tactics in real life and does it really help.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Chapter response pt 5 Chapter 33

Gods help us. I close my eyes, trying to drown the tragedy out. Through it all,
the cheers never stop. The praise never ends. As we stand on the platform, the
crowd rejoices as if there’s a reason to celebrate this bloodbath.
Beside me, Tzain holds me close; he hasn’t really let go since he carried me
from the ship. He keeps his expression vacant, but I can sense his remorse.
Though the competitor in him has prevailed, we’re still covered in the blood of
those who have fallen. We may have triumphed, but this is no victory.
A message I have taken from this scene would have to be that, your family will always feel the need to be protective, and they would want to be by your side in you're in a vulnerable state or even if you're perfectly fine. This shows that Tzain will always be there for Zelie even through rough arguments, they will always be there for each other. This relates to the real world because, everyone has someone protective of them, family or not, they always have someone who either secretly looks after them, or just generally looks after them, and feels like they need to protect and take care of that person.

Monday 29 July 2019

Aboriginal boomerangs

For Social Studies my class and I have been doing a research topic on the Australian's aboriginal boomerangs, this topic has been going on since last semester and for our recent two classes, we have actually painted and created our very own boomerang, based on the aborigines patterns, colours, and culture. 

What was the purpose of the activity?
I think the purpose of this task was to find an understanding of the aboriginal culture but through the makings of their boomerangs and all our researching.

Explain the story on your boomerangs, including the meaning of the colours.
The story of my boomerang and the reasonings for each colour are, black stands for the people and night time, the yellow represents the sacred times and is their sacred colour. The patterns that are drawn on, are linked to the religious ceremonies or their rituals. The lizard is shown, also represents one of their native animals and what they see.

What went well whilst you were painting and designing it.
I think taking time and working with on this with my friends went well, we also shared the paint and made sure everyone had enough. I also think that I have done some patterns well enough to a good standard at least.

Chapter response pt 4 Chapter 28

Be brave, Amari.
This time I hold onto Binta’s words, wrapping them around my body like a suit
of armour. I can be brave.
A message I take from this scene is that when we keep the people we love the most in our hearts, their words can make us feel stronger and it gives us more courage and will to do so. This can relate to the real world when people may feel anxious if they have to say a speech, for example, then they might think of memories with someone special, they'd want to try and make them proud by being confident and just doing the speech or whatever it is.

Chapter response pt 3 Chapter 26

“How long?” she breathes. “How long have you been a maji?”
She hisses the word like it’s a curse. Like I’m the spitting image of Lekan. Not
the boy she’s known since birth. The soldier she’s trained for years.
“The girl infected me. It’s not permanent.”
“You’re lying.” Her lips peel back in disgust. “Are you…are you working with
“No! I was looking for clues!” I step forward. “I know where she is–”
“Stay back!” Kaea screams. I freeze, hands in the air. There’s no recognition in
her eyes.
Only unbridled fear.
A message I received from this scene is that once people find out who you truly are, they either stay on your side or betray and go against you. This can relate to the real world because people all over the world have their own secrets, some no people may know of, and some that are kept confidentially.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Chapter response pt. 2 Chapter 23

Metal gates fly open on the sides of the arena floor, and an endless flow of
water rushes in. This has to be a mirage. Yet liter after liter flows in. The water
covers the metal ground, crashing with the expanse of a sea.

“How is this possible?” I hiss under my breath, remembering the laborers no
more than skin and bone. So many dying for water and they waste it on this?

A message I have taken from this scene is that people who are in need, would normally have to fight for their life literally or would have to go through a really hard time, trying to survive on what they can get, this relates to the real world because, people who are in need, or have money problems, normally have to go through a hard time, and they have to go through heaps of work or sometimes even illegal things just so they can get enough food to survive or for their families.

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Chapter response pt 1 Chapter 22

I pause for a moment, aghast at the number of them filling the narrow path.
Before today, I caught only glimpses of the laborers brought in to staff the
palace—always pleasant, clean, groomed to Mother’s satisfaction. Like Binta, I
thought they lived simple lives, safe within the palace walls. I never considered
where they came from, where else they might have ended up,
“Skies…” It’s almost too hard to bear the sight. Mostly, diviners, the laborers
outnumber the villagers by hordes, dressed in nothing but tattered rags. Their
dark skin blisters under the scorching sun, marred by the dirt and sand
seemingly burned into their beings. Each is hardly more than a walking
A message I have seemingly taken from this scene is how Amari finally came to a realization that not everyone was fed by and a silver spoon, and not everyone had or has a great life with their families. This can relate to the real world because, not everyone gets to grow up in a palace with a happy family, and not everyone gets to take a seat and rest for more than half the time most people have to work. I feel that some people also mistakenly grow up thinking that it is normal, and so they might feel different when they see people who aren't as powerful or as rich as they are, and they could take it as a good, sad, or other types of viewpoints.

Monday 22 July 2019


What have I learned this term?
This term for Textiles, my class and I have been creating a project we each get to choose and for this task, I had chosen to create my own animal pillow. Whilst creating this project I had learned a variety of new things on textiles and what it is about. For example, I learned different types of sewing terms and their definitions and functionings.   

What have I found challenging? 
Whilst focusing on getting this project done in time, some of the things I have found challenging are, for example, to trace and mark out the lines and parts needed for my pillow, I also found it challenging when I had to first draw onto the applique paper and then when I had cut and stuck it onto another piece of fabric, this was needed for when I needed to fuse them together. Another topic I found difficult on doing was when I had to sew the zipper to the body material, and how I had to slowly do it whilst taking the pins out.

What am I trying to achieve/ What was my main focus?
My main focus was trying to achieve it all basically and to learn more about sewing, hand stitching, and more. I also wanted to try my best to get a high mark or to be at the standards. 

Do you think you have accomplished your goals and completed your tasks?
I feel as I did not accomplish or achieve some of my goals, and I should have asked for help when it was needed, I also feel as I should have stayed more focus in class and paid more attention in class. I think I could have achieved those goals if I just have done what needed to be done, and ask when help was needed.

Here are some photos that were done along my journey of creating this project.

Thursday 4 July 2019

Designing a drill gauge on Tinkercad.

Designing a Drill Gauge on Tinkercad.

As you have seen from my recent Drill Gauge post, my class is currently focused on creating another one but on a 3D app called Tinkercad. This app helps you create anything you want with accurate measurements and allows you to 3D print anything you create on it (but you would obviously need the 3D printer for this to work). 

In my latest Drill Gauge post, you may notice at the end I have already created a model-like drill gauge from Tinkercad to look like the one I had created in class, well now I am going to create my own drill gauge, the holes have to be the same sizes and the sizes still need to be able to show which hole is which size. 

Steps on how I designed my digital drill gauge.
  1. I went into 'BASIC SHAPES' on the right side of the screen and selected a polygon shape.
  2. I put in my own measurements on the length/width & height- Height(3), Length(80) & Width(60).
  3. I selected the cylinder 8 times so I could have 8 holes for the digital drill gauge.
  4. I put in the sizes I wanted for each different hole, (3,4,5,5.5,6,6.8,8,10)- (Or you could have any of the sizes you want to use/commonly use).
  5. I played around and put the circles in random places at first, and then I found a little pattern I liked so I kept it.
  6. I made sure they had an even distance from each other and then piece by piece I made each cylinder piece a hole.
  7. I clicked onto 'Basic shapes' and clicked onto 'text and numbers' and selected each number needed.
  8. I then put each number to the sizes 3 by 3 and the height 3.
  9. I then made sure they were evenly placed under the right holes and that they were just on top of the drill gauge. 
  10. I went and gathered letters for my name and placed it evenly in the center on the bottom of my drill gauge.
  11. After that I, then highlighted it all and clicked 'Ctrl+G' which then grouped it all together.
  12. Then I chose the colour I wanted to print in and went to the 3D printer.
Here is a photo of my own made digital gauge from Tinkercad.
Here is a photo of another drill gauge I have made but it is just like the one I made in class.

How to use TinkerCad-
 I am not really good at using Tinkercad but here are some tips I can give if you ever need help on it.
-I just played around for a while to get use to seeing and knowing where everything is.
-This helps by giving you a feel of what Tinkercad actually is and how to measure.
-Tinkercad comes with a few steps or tutorials if you're new and just sign up, it gives some easy pointers and some drafts/steps for you to do.
-You are easily able to get correct measurements by clicking on the shape you have supposedly chosen, and then numbers should come up on the side, you're able to click on those numbers and write in the size you want.
- You also have a variety of colours you can choose from.
- You can also share a design you have created with some people and yous can edit it at the same time, this can help if you need to work on a design with a group.
- You can easily embed your designs into slides/docs/blogs and more.
- You can also look at other people's designs they have created. You can look at the most popular ones or you can search for a certain item and it shall come up.
- If you find someone else's design that you like, you can copy the design and can add as much as you like to it, but you need to make sure to give credit to the person who originally created it..
-These are all the tips I can give you on how to create your own digital drill gauge.

How to make a drill gauge!

Here are some pointers on how to make a drill gauge.
- Get a piece of Aluminium (width- 25, thickness-3, length- 110; Aluminium is best for not rusting).

- Draw file and use an emery cloth to clean it up.

- Put engineers blue on one side of the aluminium piece.

-Use your ruler to measure 10cm from the top of your aluminium piece, then measure 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm & 60cm from the top. There should be six 10cm marked evenly from the line.

-Get an engineers square and a scribe, use the scribe on the lines width wise, you should get 10cm rectangles evenly distanced.

- From the last line mark 15cm in the middle and from that 15cm mark another, the last rectangle should be 20cm length worthy and 10cm wide.

- Use the engineer square to mark off the last two lines then scribe a line going vertically straight through the middle.

- Then center punch where each line meets, there should be 8 center punched marks.

- Find your drill bits (the correct sizes preferably), you can either start drilling the holes from where you marked or you can use a spotting drill bit first just to make sure you'll be drilling in the right place.

- Get a hand countersink and do small twists on the end of the holes to remove any burrs the machine left.

- Use the emery cloth again to clean up any new marks made. Then get your number punches (the right numbers for your sizes), and then punch the correct size number below your holes.

- Use your polishing and buffering machine to buffer and polish your drill gauge (make sure to do all the edges and sides).

- You now have a choice to spray paint it or add colour to it somehow but make sure to clean the insides of the holes, so the paint doesn't block it up. (Also make sure not to add thick layers of paint).

-  You should now have your own drill gauge coloured or not.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Metal Carbonates and Acid

When a metal carbonate reats with an acid it will form a salt, carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is a gas and can be seen as bubbles as the reactions proceeds.

-To show that carbon dioxide gas is produced when a metal carbonate reacts with acid.

-Two boiling tubes
-Delivery tube and bung
-Bunsen burner
-Test tube rack
-Wooden splint
-Bottle of acid
-Small amount of metal carbonate
-Test tube tongs
-Safety glasses

-Light your bunsen burner
-Add a 'pea-sized' amount of the metal carbonate into one of the boiling tubes
-Place this boiling tube into a test tube rack. Ensure you have the bung and delivery tube ready
-Add 5 ml of acid to the boiling tube and quickly insert the bung and delivery tube into the mouth of the boiling tube
-Holding the other boiling tube with your tongs, capture the gas produced.

When the lit splint was inserted into the mouth of the test tube, the splint flame went out straight away because it was in carbon dioxide. Also it then produced smoke.

Monday 1 July 2019

Metals and Oxygen

When a metal reacts with oxygen it produces a metal oxide.
-When a substance burns, the burning process is actually a reaction with oxygen. So when you burn something, you are adding oxygen to it.

-To make a metal oxide and observe the difference in properties of the product compared to the reactants.

-A magnesium piece
-Bunsen burner
-Safety glasses
-Metal scissor tongs

-Ignite the bunsen burner
-Hold your magnesium piece with the scissor tongs over the flame, (blue flame)
-Do not look directly at the piece when it happens because the light is bright enough to damage your eyesights.

When the magnesium was held over the flame, it began to turn as bright as a light, then it burns off into ash.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Making salt (2)

The aim is to produce copper sulfate salt by reacting copper oxide with an acid.

-Add 20ml of sulfuric acid to a 100ml beaker. Heat the acid until it reaches 70°C. Turn off your bunsen burner.
- Once heated, use your spatula to add pea-sized portions of copper oxide to the beaker. Stir the mixture for 30 seconds.
- Repeat step 2 until no more will dissolve. Allow the beaker to cool
- Fold the filter paper and place it in the funnel. Place the filter funnel into the second beaker.
- Make sure the beaker is cool enough to hold at the top. The contents should still be hot. You may need your teacher to complete this step.
- Gently swirl the contents of the beaker to mix, and then pour into the filter paper in the funnel. Allow filtering through.
- Rinse the beaker you used to heat the mixture previously, and place it back on top of your tripod filled with 50-60ml of water.
-Place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker and carefully pour some of the solutions from the beaker into the evaporating basin.
- Gently heat the beaker until the solution in the evaporating basin has reduced by half.
-Leave the evaporating basin to cool. Once cool, move the evaporating basin to a warm place where it will not be disturbed (i.e. a window-sill) and observe over the next few days. Blue copper sulfate crystals should form.

-100mL beaker x2
- Copper Oxide Powder
-Dilute Sulfuric acid
-50 mL measuring cylinder
-Bunsen Burner
-Filter paper
-Gauze mat
-Evaporating basin
-Stirring Rod

Here is a photo of what me and my mate Memory have created.

Monday 10 June 2019

Self Introduction-Jap

みんなさん こんにちわ 

わたし わ ミケイラ です
じゅ 四歳 です
わたし わ 入じいらんど です
くらいすとちゃあち の ほおんび に すんで います
わたし わ ほおんび こうこう の ミケイラ です

どうぞ よろしく。

Thursday 16 May 2019

Physical Education-Floor Hockey.

On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the floor hockey lesson on Tuesday-
I think I would rate myself a 6/10
Why did you rate yourself that way? Give 3 reasons for your reasons-
I have rated this because for one,
- I feel as I did participate, but it wasn't to the fullest.
- I wasn't really going for the ball.
- I would pass the ball to someone instead of shooting for goal.
What skills do you think you did well? (eg: passing, dribbling, shooting, encouraging teammates, trying your best)
I think my dribbling skills were pretty good and sticking with the ball. I also feel I was being considerate of others and shared the ball around evenly.
What skills did you use to pass and dribble the ball (eg: Pointing your body+stick toward your target, how well you held the stick, how you controlled the ball, etc)-
I used dribbling skills, two hands on the stick. I was concentrating but also having fun.
What do you think you need to improve on in today's lesson? Once you have chosen a skill or strategy to improve, give 2 ways you will do that in Physical Education today-
I think I need to improve on being confident and just shooting the ball into the goal if I am close enough, and I also think I need to improve on trying to get the ball if another player has it.

Tuesday 7 May 2019


Here is a "My Simple Show" on what Migration is and what are Push n Pull Factors (The meanings).
Migration and Push 'n' Pull Factors
I have created this with Mijieli.

Sunday 5 May 2019

How to create a model atom.

Heres how to make a model atom using school items.

The equipment you'll need for this are-
- Tape
- Paper (Any size)
- Beads ( 3 different colours)
- Blue Tac
- String (30cm preferably, but doesn't matter)
- Any item you can draw with (to draw the electrons)

- Choose any type of element you want to do from 1-7 on the periodic table
- Get the right amount of beads with different colours representing the Neutrons & Protons)
- Attach the neutrons and proton beads to the blue tac (the right amount to what element you chose)
- Attach ^ that to the string (you can do this anyway, just make sure they stay attached)
- Get your piece of paper, cut two doughnut-shaped  (KNOWN AS THE OUTER SHELL) pieces out, one big and one small enough to fit inside the big one.
- Draw how many electrons you need to in each circle for example, in the small circle of Be-Beryllium would need 2 and 2 in the bigger one.
- Tape your string that is attached to your beads, to the outer shells at the right height so your beads hang in the middle of the smaller shell.
- Cut a square piece of paper out and write your elements chemical symbol, the atomic number and mass number, just like you would see on the periodic table.

What are the 3 main particles in an atom? 
As written above the 3 main particles in an atom are
- Protons
- Neutrons
- Electrons

Electrons are found in the Outer shells also known as orbitals that surround the nucleus of an atom, protons and neutrons are found in the centre of the orbitals (middle of the atom). These 3 particles are so small that the human eye cannot possibly see them, a microscope can also not see the particles.

The element I chose to do was C-Carbon
Here is a picture of my model atom I created and some models my class have created

Thursday 2 May 2019

What is a Drill Gauge?

What is a Drill Gauge?
A drill gauge is normally made of steel but can be made out of other types of metal for example; Aluminium.
The reason for its existence is to accurately measure or check the size of any drill bit. It is mostly used by engineers and can come with and in many different sizes.

What does a Drill Gauge look like?
A drill gauge has around 27 different sized holes with the sizes under or next to the hole.
The length is roughly around 150mm+ (if you want to add a slight curve on the edges) long and the width would roughly be around 66mm. It depends on what type of Drill Gauge you're looking at or wanting to create and how many holes you want.

Here is a photo of a drill gauge one of my classmates had created.
The one I personally created has been given away as a gift for another so it could not be shown.

The one my class and I have created has only 8 holes of different sizes, this being because they are the most commonly used drill bit sizes that we use or would probably need future wise. Some of us have also spray painted our Drill Gauge just to add colour, and some have kept theirs plain as you can see. On my drill gauge, I did not add any colour just because I liked the silver shine.

What are some of the measuring tools we used for this project?
While creating a drill gauge we obviously needed to have a tool appropriate for measuring.
For this topic, we used 6 measuring tools to achieve the exact sizes, they are-
-Ruler (Used for measuring on where to mark out our lines, and to measure the sizes)
-Engineer square (Getting accurate lines after marking it out)
-Vernier (This is just to assure that my first measurements and my draw filing were accurate)
-Odd leg caliper (Was used to help mark out a curve at the end of my Drill gauge)
-Micrometer ( I used to mark and check the thickness of the aluminium piece.
-Spring divider x3 (I used for engraving lines and the distance between each marking point)

How to use a vernier and micrometer-
Here are two videos on how to use and read a vernier and micrometer.
Vernier- VIDEO
Micrometer- VIDEO

Here is my Tinkercad/digital Drill Gauge.
We created these after finishing our real drill gauge.

While creating this digital drill gauge, for this we had to create the same shapes as the real drill gauge, we also had to use the exact same sizes, so we could distance the holes in the correct places, we also had to check the thickness is the same and that the holes are the proper size. I feel like this was a fun project to do and that the learning behind this topic was also a lot but helpful.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Child labour Research task

Here is a research task I have been given-

Who was involved/Included in child labour?
Around 152 million children are involved in child labour, it was said to be around 88 million of them are boys and 64 million of them are girls. 48% are aged 5-11 years of age. Almost half of the children/child workers are in Africa- 72.1 million kids, and the other 41% of children are in Asia and the Pacific -62.1 million. Almost half of the workers, work in the most hazardous child labour ever - 73 million. 

How were these kids involved, and how did they get involved?
More than 2/3 of all the children in child labour work as contributors family labourers on farms or in families- 69.1%. Some parents or families also sell their kids to pay off any debts, they cannot afford on time. Some kids who are given away to work can be gone from home for months to even years, it is a long period of time until they have worked off the debt, and sometimes the parents pay the rest, so their kid doesn't need to work longer.

Where is child labour, what areas of the world is child labour?
There are so many countries in the world that have child labour so I am just naming the top ten-
3-Dr Congo

What are the reasons for child labour?
The people behind it earn a large amount of money each year, roughly $150 billion dollars in illegal profits- This comes from what the forced labour generates.

- 71% of child labour takes place in agriculture, for example, things such as-
Livestock herdings, Brick making, aquaculture, fishing, forestry, mining for gold, silver, diamonds and so much more hazardous jobs.
-19% of children who are in child labour, are in low-income countries and around 2 million victims live in high-income countries, but still, get paid lower than the minimum wage- illegally.
-More than 1/4 of children that work in hazardous are done by children under the age of 12, that's- 19 million.
- Some children in child labour are forced to work for other people as a way of paying a debt, for example, their family would have to give their kids to them, and the children would have to work until the debt is paid, this could take from months up to years.
- Some children willingly do it because they're scared of their families getting slaughtered if they don't.
-Children who try to escape from working would usually get a really bad punishment, and the ones who had escaped successfully would've eventually been caught, or in really bad trauma.