
Saturday 9 June 2018


What did I learn on Resilience?

I learned in all of this that resilience is about having the confidence to complete what you've started, not giving up and keep going until you have finished. You feel like giving up, but you are resilient to finish what you've started. Having the ability to "bounce back".

Why is it important?

It is an important topic in life, and you need to show it or have it everywhere you go because you have to keep trying to get where you want to, you mustn't give up or quit even if it gets too hard for you, you have to keep trying. You need to have a confidence or an ability to bounce back.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this if you're playing sports and you injure yourself, you could get back up and carry on playing, or if you're doing a task for your work and it gets too hard you want to give up, you don't you keep trying your best and carry on.

Here is a link to my google slide/ presentation that I have done my work on.

My work Presentation


What did I learn on Relaxation?

I learned that Relaxation can help others cope with life, and it helps a lot of people through tough times, you need it in a lot of things, because there are a lot of reasons why you need it for example, if you have an important interview someday and you start to freak out you might lose the job because you weren't calm so you wouldn't have been confident.

Why is it important?

It is important in life because if you're in a really bad mood and you need to calm yourself down, you need to relax and take slow and deep breaths because sometimes people stress out too much they have heart attacks so relaxing can prevent that from happening. You can calm yourself down from any mood with relaxing if you sad and your thinking badly you could relax and think everything through if your mad and your thinking badly you could think it through and think of the consequences you might have.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this if you get in fights with your family like siblings and you want to calm down before it gets worst, or like I said before you could use this when your in interviews or at work, or if someone tries to start an argument you have to calm down relax and don't let things escalate on. Or if you just mainly feel like relaxing at home, watching t.v, or getting pampered.

Heres the same link to my presentation
My presentation

What did I learn on Empathy?

I learned that it means something like when someone is hurt and you might've been hurt from the similar problem, you could be empathetic towards them, and tell them you've been through the same problem so you understand how they feel, and you could try to help them out.

Why is this important?

It is important because if someone might be hurt and they don't know what to do they might be looking for someone's help but they don't want to be pitied they want someone who's experienced their pain, to help them. Empathy is really important in some cases when people need help.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this sometimes when you're helping someone out if they have lost a family memeber and you have experienced that before so you understand how they feel, or your looking in someone else's perspective.

Heres the same link to my presentation
My presentation

What did I learn from Mindfulness?

I learned that being mindful of others can affect them in a good way, that you show and have your full attention towards them so they know your listening to them and your paying attention. It can be great for others when they are talking to you, so they know that aren't zoned out or looking around. It can also help by noticing other people's actions and studying their movements.

Why is it important?

It is important to be mindful of others or things that are happening around you because it is respectful when someone is talking to you, you should pay full attention to them, make eye contact, nod so they know that you're listening to them, it helps assure that your fully there not just your body, but your mind as well, instead of looking around, not making eye contact, responding with something that's completely off topic.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this if you're talking to someone and they could be like a big deal, let's say if your trying to get into a highly rated company and you need to have your full attention to your interviewer so they know you listen, you could look and seem more respectful to them.

Here is the same link to my presentation
My presentation

Body clues
What did I learn from Body clues?

I learned that by studying other people's body clues and their body movement it can help you understand how they are feeling in a way, it helps you know if someones either angry, sad, happy and so on. Body clues are important in a way because let's say your friend is alone in a corner and you ask if she/he is alright and they reply with yes but they look sad, you study their body clues or body movement and it helps you get a close hint of how that person is feeling.

Why is it important?

It is always important to know what body clues you're using because it always assures the person you're talking to knows you understand what they're talking about. Or noticing others body clues are helpful too, if someone is sad but they aren't telling you, you could look/watch their body clues, being sad could mean their face could go red, they would look tired, they could have a slumped back, their eyes could be watery. That is why it's important to notice other peoples body clues so you could help them out.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use it if your friend is sad and you don't know that they are, so they just stand alone but you ask if they are alright and all they reply with is "I'm fine" so you get worried and confused, so you look at the person and try study or look and the body movements/facial expressions and so on. It can help you in a lot of situations if you're trying to see if someones in a good/bad or any mood.

Here is a link to my presentation for all of this
My presentation

To me these few lessons in health were important because they all can help people in similar ways, they can help people who might be looking for jobs but struggle or someone who might be angry so they have to calm themselves down. These lessons are basically how to understand people, emotions and all of the above, but mostly RESILIENCE, and that is good because that's what this is all about, and understanding each other.


  1. Mikayla this is thorough, detailed and well presented. By using subtitles you have ensured that you have met the criteria. You have gained a low Excellence. To gain a stronger grade next time include some images of your work as well as a link. This will make it easier for the reader to see the work. Well done!

  2. Thank you Mrs Petrie, next time I will add more photos and try harder!


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