
Monday 29 July 2019

Aboriginal boomerangs

For Social Studies my class and I have been doing a research topic on the Australian's aboriginal boomerangs, this topic has been going on since last semester and for our recent two classes, we have actually painted and created our very own boomerang, based on the aborigines patterns, colours, and culture. 

What was the purpose of the activity?
I think the purpose of this task was to find an understanding of the aboriginal culture but through the makings of their boomerangs and all our researching.

Explain the story on your boomerangs, including the meaning of the colours.
The story of my boomerang and the reasonings for each colour are, black stands for the people and night time, the yellow represents the sacred times and is their sacred colour. The patterns that are drawn on, are linked to the religious ceremonies or their rituals. The lizard is shown, also represents one of their native animals and what they see.

What went well whilst you were painting and designing it.
I think taking time and working with on this with my friends went well, we also shared the paint and made sure everyone had enough. I also think that I have done some patterns well enough to a good standard at least.

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