
Monday 22 July 2019


What have I learned this term?
This term for Textiles, my class and I have been creating a project we each get to choose and for this task, I had chosen to create my own animal pillow. Whilst creating this project I had learned a variety of new things on textiles and what it is about. For example, I learned different types of sewing terms and their definitions and functionings.   

What have I found challenging? 
Whilst focusing on getting this project done in time, some of the things I have found challenging are, for example, to trace and mark out the lines and parts needed for my pillow, I also found it challenging when I had to first draw onto the applique paper and then when I had cut and stuck it onto another piece of fabric, this was needed for when I needed to fuse them together. Another topic I found difficult on doing was when I had to sew the zipper to the body material, and how I had to slowly do it whilst taking the pins out.

What am I trying to achieve/ What was my main focus?
My main focus was trying to achieve it all basically and to learn more about sewing, hand stitching, and more. I also wanted to try my best to get a high mark or to be at the standards. 

Do you think you have accomplished your goals and completed your tasks?
I feel as I did not accomplish or achieve some of my goals, and I should have asked for help when it was needed, I also feel as I should have stayed more focus in class and paid more attention in class. I think I could have achieved those goals if I just have done what needed to be done, and ask when help was needed.

Here are some photos that were done along my journey of creating this project.

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