
Tuesday 27 November 2018

Curiosity Topic 6

I wonder... Part 6

I wonder what is the world's largest statue?

The world's largest statue is called the Spring Temple Buddha. It was created to honor India's first deputy prime minister, named Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. It took 11 years to build from 1997 to the 1st of September 2008. The height is said to be 153 m in height including the pedestrian building the monument is currently on. In October 2008 the hill that the monument is standing on, was reshaped adding extra height to the statue, making it a total of 208 m (682 ft).

The cost to create the statue was estimated around $55 million dollars. The estimated pieces of copper used to create this was around 1,100 copper pieces, and weighing over 1,000 tonnes. The named of the statue came from the nearby Tianrui hot spring.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Curiosity Topic

I wonder part 5

I wonder when was the first airplane invented and who created it?

The creators of the aircraft were the Wright brothers, also known as Orville (Born on August 19th 1871) and Wilbur (Born on April 16th 1867). Wilbur was the oldest and Orville was the youngest.

The first-ever airplane that was created, was named 'Wright brothers' but then got named properly at Kitty Hawk called 'Flyer', it was created and named by the Wright Brothers. The aircraft was created on December the 17th 1903 in North Carolina. The Wright brothers had begun building their aircraft in 1896 at their bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio. The Wright Brothers had originally 4 models and were happy when one of them generated. It was their first successful aircraft, while they were timing them, the Wright brothers used a stopwatch to time the Kitty Hawk flights.
The first flight lasted 59 seconds over a distance of 852 feet long, and the pilot flying the aircraft was Orville's brother, Wilbur Wright.

The Wright brothers are known for inventing,engineering, pioneering, building and are known for being the first people in history to create a successful aircraft. 

Monday 29 October 2018

Simple, Complex Carbohydrate, CHO & Glycemic Index

Complex, Simple Carbohydrates, CHO & Glycemic Index

There are two different types of Carbohydrates and they are-
 Simple & Complex.

The 5 sources to carbohydrates are-
Sugars, starches, fibers, grains & Beans/nuts

The difference between simple and complex are-

Simple: Is that it is quickly digested and absorbed, it also doesn't keep you full for a while.

Complex: It keeps your stomach full for a longer lasting time and it slowly digests your foods.

What is their function?
It is giving more energy to the body like a supplier, the brain needs simple carbohydrates glucose as an energy source. It may also help metabolism.

Here is a photo of CHO Foods.
Image result for CHO Foods

Why was our pita pocket a good source of CHO?
Because for one it had bread which is a source in the foods area, and it also has Grains in the pita bread and Legumes such as plant-based proteins. It also had good protein in it such as the chicken that was cooked. 

Monday 17 September 2018

Know your rights!

What is the Fair Trading Act?   How does it affect me?
  • What is the Fair Trading Act?
The Fair Trading Act helps the community or other people to not be ripped off or be treated with no respect by a shop worker or manager, they also make sure that the products being sold or traded are safe and in good condition. They do this to help the community and people feel safer and not have to worry about fake products for example if a trader said that they have a very old compass which would be made out of gold and it was actually plastic but the buyer didn't know that until they got home they would feel ripped off. That's one reason as to why The Fair Trading Act do what they do to help the people.
  • What is the commerce commission’s goal?

Their goal is to suggest and bring forward more competition/s in New Zealand's management or economy.
  • Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?
Other countries are also responsible and have a right to take legal action as well as the commission groups. Also, the customers and consumers can take legal action if something is wrong or if they would get disadvantages, they would also be able to report it.
  • Who are the two types of groups the act applies to?
It applies to shops, trading groups or just any running businesses. It also applies to customers and consumers.

Understand your compliance obligations
  • What do the acts apply to?
It applies to consumers in the act and helps protect product markings or anything such as goods in the agencies and businesses.
  • Does it only apply if you intend to deceive?  Explain?
It depends if the producer believes the buyer, because if you don't have the receipt then the law does apply to you. But in any way of it, it depends on what the situation is.
  • Whose ‘shoes’ must the business put themselves into?
The business would have to picture themselves in customer's or consumer's shoes to look at it from their point of view, but then they would also have to think about the business and the business's reputation.
  • What is the commission empowered to do?
The commission is empowered to support or promote competition, also influencing services or control of supplies.

Reporting a business
  • If you need to report a business, how do you do this?
If you want to make a complaint to a business, you could search up their e-mail, phone number, website or visit their business in person.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Pineapple Fava Beans- Includes a fun prototype in a cool presentation!

Fava Beans

Hey peeps! It's Mikayla back at it again with another blog, for this blog I will be explaining and showing you a slideshow on a presentation my group and I have created together, I will also tell you the experience during the time we had to create this.

 For a couple of weeks now, my group and I have been doing a collaboration on How to create a new way to produce Fava Beans and make them more presentable.  This was the challenge my group had chosen. Our ideas have been put together in a Google presentation and in the presentation includes fun facts and a cool Tinkercad draft!

The websites we chose to create our prototype on was Tinkercad, it is a very cool website which lets you create 3D drawings or crafts, you can even make a 3D human skull! It is also a very easy way to present your ideas and prototypes to your classmates and friends! Also, it is very easy to use so you don't have to worry about how long it will take you, I suggest you use this if you ever want or need to create a model/design.

In the process of creating and producing a new way to sell our product, I have learned a lot about businesses and more so, Fava Beans, I have also liked the process of creating this product with my group and I liked finding new facts and ideas about Fava Beans. 

Something I disliked was when we were coming up with different ideas and then having to keep changing our product, and we had to change our enablers a couple of times, but in the end, we figured it all out, worked together as a team and presented as a team.

During this process, I gained knowledge of fava beans and I found out different types of websites you could use to create a prototype, or to present a presentation! I also gained more knowledge on how to produce a product and how can we fix something to make it appealing to an audience!

Thursday 23 August 2018

Māori Poi and Māori Weaving

Māori Poi

Poi is used in traditional dances for the woman, it involves swinging them around whilst moving your arms along with the music. Poi can be made out of different types of materials, some to weigh one end down, some to tie the plait together and some to make the poi and plait connect.

Poi originated in New Zealand from the Māori people, and poi is still to this day very popular and still gets made even in schools. Poi is usually performed by the woman but it is said that when it was first created men had used poi to help strengthen their wrists and so their movements were better for fighting, hunting, and usage of weapons, but there is no true evidence to support this theory.

Poi was originally and commonly made from harakeke (Flax) and raupō. They would strip the harakeke to get small strips and to get muka, which was then twisted and plaited together for the string of the poi, that was ensured that it was strong enough not to break and then they would tie a knot at the end of the rope.

Another type of materials poi was sometimes made of was Poi tāniko a different type of plant, the outer shell was made out of woven muka using a pattern from fishing nets, they sometimes included strands that were dyed yellow.

In the process of making and researching this, I have learned a lot about poi and the history behind it, I also learnt what poi was originally made out of.

Monday 20 August 2018

Health and Safety- Home Economics

Here are 2 practicals my class has done

One we had done was chicken stir-fry

Hygiene safety means to- Be clean and tidy so nothing you eat has dirt on.

-Tie hair back
-Wipe the table down
-Wash hands
-Not to sneeze or cough on anything

The conditions that bacteria need to survive
- They need warmth
- They need time
- They need food or dirt
- They need Moisture

Here is a diagram of a thermometer and what temperatures these types of things need or are use too. 

Last Friday me and my partner had made Cheese scones for a task,

What I need to improve on is probably being able to work together as a team than taking over, and that is quite what i'm use to doing. I also need to improve on being patient and wait for our food to cook, rather than just taking it out.

In this task I mostly liked kneading the dough and collecting the ingredients.

Something I learn't was how to actually make scones.

Here are the ingredients on how to make scones.
3 cups plain flour
6 teaspoons Baking Powder
¼ teaspoon salt
75g butter

1 to 1 ½ cups milk
Here is a photo of a word art I have done on this topic.
Here is a table of where you organize your foods.

2-3 days when open
stored 3-6 months
Room temp, Airtight containers when open
Canned food
Ice cream
Packet pasta
Ice blocks
Packet of chips
Read to cook meals
Frozen vegetables and fruit

Monday 13 August 2018

I wonder 4...

I wonder

What do I wonder?
I wonder who was the first person to die by the electric chair?

The first person who was executed by an electrical chair was named William Francis Kemmler, he was convicted of murdering his wife (Matilda "Tilly" Ziegler) on March 29, 1889. He had murdered her with a hatchet. He was tried and convicted of murder on May 10, 1889, and on May 13 he was sentenced to death. January 1 of that year, New York had instituted death by electrocution. William's lawyers later replied that electrocution was too harsh of a death penalty and some even said after it was done, it would have been getting executed by a hatchet and that, that was worse than getting hung. But some say that before William had died, he was calm and didn't resist once. Apparently, he himself sat on the chair but got told to get back up so they could cut holes in his suit. His last words were said to be by witnesses "Gentleman, I wish you all good luck. I believe I am going to a better place, and I am ready to go."  They then set it up and William spoke again saying, "Take it easy and do it properly, I'm in no hurry." Durston replied "Goodbye, William.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Identifying Hazard Signs


What is a Hazard?

  • It is danger 
  • It is something that can cause harm to a vulnerable target or you.
  • It could be something that could fall on you, crush you, scratch you, gas you, there are a lot of ways you could get harmed, and that is called a hazard.
  • For example, if a liquid spills onto the floor and you slip that is called a slipping hazard.

What is a Mandatory Sign?

  • It's a sign telling traffic what they can, can't do.
  • The signs are used to set obligations of all traffic, in specific road areas.
  • Mandatory means it is something you need to do rather than a choice, you're getting told.
  • For example, if it is a photo of a guy with headphones on it means you need to wear headphones.
What is a Prohibitive sign?
  • It is a sign that only shows what or who is forbidden.
  • It is a safety sign prohibiting behavior that is likely to cause a risk to health or safety.
  • For example, if it is a sign of a crossed out cigarette that means you cannot smoke in that area.

Here is a link to each sign safety risks and meanings:

Mandatory- Link

Monday 30 July 2018


Here is a Pikochart infographic I have done on commercials/ad Jingles.

Here are links to the 4 Jingles I rated-

The Warehouse
State Insurance

What am I  learning?
I am learning how to make a catchy jingle and what do you need to do in order to make a good one.

How does this work show my learning?
This work shows my learning through a Piktochart I have created, here is a link to Piktochart.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering who came up with jingles for commercials/ads, and when was the first commercial ever created and by whom.

Friday 22 June 2018

I wonder... 3

I wonder who named all the gases on the periodic table?

The first person who named all the gases was the Russian scientist named Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869 and put the known elements into their places on the periodic table based on their properties. The sample of chlorine created by Humphry Davy in 1810. it is named after the Greek word for 'green'. 

Their chosen names were influenced by changing of languages, cultures or 'our' understanding of chemistry.

How many elements are there on the periodic table?

There are currently 118 elements on the periodic table, but I think their might still be more elements that have yet to be discovered.

What was the first element on the periodic table ever discovered?

The first elements discovered were:
& Mercury

They have been known since 1649 when Hennig Brand discovered Phosphorous.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Some Characteristics I think dictators have

To me, I think most dictators had some of these characteristics...

-Ruthless                           -Thirst for power
-Self-centered                    -Intimidated
-Controlling                       -Hater/Selfish
-Intelligent                         -Dangerous
-Greedy                             -Strong
-Manipulative                    -Powerful
and so on...

To me, there are many characteristics of a dictator. These were my thoughts on dictators and what I choose to believe if they are good people or bad people. They are powerful and in control, they are intelligent and selfish, they are/were killing people, some reasons can be because of their culture, some may be because of other reasons or just for fun.

Saturday 9 June 2018


What did I learn on Resilience?

I learned in all of this that resilience is about having the confidence to complete what you've started, not giving up and keep going until you have finished. You feel like giving up, but you are resilient to finish what you've started. Having the ability to "bounce back".

Why is it important?

It is an important topic in life, and you need to show it or have it everywhere you go because you have to keep trying to get where you want to, you mustn't give up or quit even if it gets too hard for you, you have to keep trying. You need to have a confidence or an ability to bounce back.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this if you're playing sports and you injure yourself, you could get back up and carry on playing, or if you're doing a task for your work and it gets too hard you want to give up, you don't you keep trying your best and carry on.

Here is a link to my google slide/ presentation that I have done my work on.

My work Presentation


What did I learn on Relaxation?

I learned that Relaxation can help others cope with life, and it helps a lot of people through tough times, you need it in a lot of things, because there are a lot of reasons why you need it for example, if you have an important interview someday and you start to freak out you might lose the job because you weren't calm so you wouldn't have been confident.

Why is it important?

It is important in life because if you're in a really bad mood and you need to calm yourself down, you need to relax and take slow and deep breaths because sometimes people stress out too much they have heart attacks so relaxing can prevent that from happening. You can calm yourself down from any mood with relaxing if you sad and your thinking badly you could relax and think everything through if your mad and your thinking badly you could think it through and think of the consequences you might have.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this if you get in fights with your family like siblings and you want to calm down before it gets worst, or like I said before you could use this when your in interviews or at work, or if someone tries to start an argument you have to calm down relax and don't let things escalate on. Or if you just mainly feel like relaxing at home, watching t.v, or getting pampered.

Heres the same link to my presentation
My presentation

What did I learn on Empathy?

I learned that it means something like when someone is hurt and you might've been hurt from the similar problem, you could be empathetic towards them, and tell them you've been through the same problem so you understand how they feel, and you could try to help them out.

Why is this important?

It is important because if someone might be hurt and they don't know what to do they might be looking for someone's help but they don't want to be pitied they want someone who's experienced their pain, to help them. Empathy is really important in some cases when people need help.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this sometimes when you're helping someone out if they have lost a family memeber and you have experienced that before so you understand how they feel, or your looking in someone else's perspective.

Heres the same link to my presentation
My presentation

What did I learn from Mindfulness?

I learned that being mindful of others can affect them in a good way, that you show and have your full attention towards them so they know your listening to them and your paying attention. It can be great for others when they are talking to you, so they know that aren't zoned out or looking around. It can also help by noticing other people's actions and studying their movements.

Why is it important?

It is important to be mindful of others or things that are happening around you because it is respectful when someone is talking to you, you should pay full attention to them, make eye contact, nod so they know that you're listening to them, it helps assure that your fully there not just your body, but your mind as well, instead of looking around, not making eye contact, responding with something that's completely off topic.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use this if you're talking to someone and they could be like a big deal, let's say if your trying to get into a highly rated company and you need to have your full attention to your interviewer so they know you listen, you could look and seem more respectful to them.

Here is the same link to my presentation
My presentation

Body clues
What did I learn from Body clues?

I learned that by studying other people's body clues and their body movement it can help you understand how they are feeling in a way, it helps you know if someones either angry, sad, happy and so on. Body clues are important in a way because let's say your friend is alone in a corner and you ask if she/he is alright and they reply with yes but they look sad, you study their body clues or body movement and it helps you get a close hint of how that person is feeling.

Why is it important?

It is always important to know what body clues you're using because it always assures the person you're talking to knows you understand what they're talking about. Or noticing others body clues are helpful too, if someone is sad but they aren't telling you, you could look/watch their body clues, being sad could mean their face could go red, they would look tired, they could have a slumped back, their eyes could be watery. That is why it's important to notice other peoples body clues so you could help them out.

How could you use this in your own life?

You could use it if your friend is sad and you don't know that they are, so they just stand alone but you ask if they are alright and all they reply with is "I'm fine" so you get worried and confused, so you look at the person and try study or look and the body movements/facial expressions and so on. It can help you in a lot of situations if you're trying to see if someones in a good/bad or any mood.

Here is a link to my presentation for all of this
My presentation

To me these few lessons in health were important because they all can help people in similar ways, they can help people who might be looking for jobs but struggle or someone who might be angry so they have to calm themselves down. These lessons are basically how to understand people, emotions and all of the above, but mostly RESILIENCE, and that is good because that's what this is all about, and understanding each other.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

9Ak English challenged.

9Ak English challenge 100-word creative story using 5 random words.

  1. Wrist
  2. Wriggle
  3. Evolution
  4. Bring
  5. Stay

As I woke up and got out of my bed I had noticed the evolution of time was changing throughout the years. I lived and stayed in the same house since I was a little girl, I was doing a favour for my parents so I was bringing a cage to my parents house, it was for their pet dog, as I was getting out of the car, getting the cages, I was lifting them to the house, then all of a sudden my both of my wrists got caught in the cage and I had to wriggle them out.

Friday 1 June 2018

I wonder... 2

I wonder...

I wonder how is helium created?

Helium is formed by radioactive decaying from elements such as Uranium and Thorium. These elements were formed before the earth, but they are not stable and very slowly, decay.

The "heart" of a helium atom and its nucleus is the Alpha-particle, meaning that helium has been continuously generated since the earth was formed.

For a "D.I.Y", how do you make/create/form Helium?

To do this you need to have:

-A glass of Acetic acid
-A bottle
-Baking soda

And to put it all together you need to...

Add soda to the balloon (two teaspoons per balloon), and pour half a glass of acetic acid into the bottle. Don't add too much soda. Put the balloon over the bottle: the soda from the balloon will fall into it, and an intense reaction will begin with the release of CO₂, making your balloon will inflate.

That is all you need to use and do to create helium at home.

Here is a photo of a helium element- Visual elements periodic table.
Image result for helium

Friday 25 May 2018

I wonder...

I wonder what was the first nebula discovered?

The first planetary nebula discovered by a human was the Dumbbell Nebula (M27). It was discovered by a man named Charles Messier in 1764, and it happens to be around 1,360 light years away from earth. The dumbbell is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. After that in 1790,  William Herschel discovered the NGC 1514, on November the 13, 1790, a planetary nebula with a bright central star. Forcing him to rethink his ideas on the constructions of the heavens. It seems to be 2,283 light years away from earth.

Also, the word "Nebula" is Latin for Mist or Cloud and the term "planetary nebula" is a misnomer that originated in the 1780s with astronomer William Herschel because, when he viewed it from his telescope, these objects resemble the rounded shapes of the planets.

What is the difference between a Nebula and a Galaxy?

Nebula is a cloud of interstellar dust and other ionized gases particular helium and hydrogen. A galaxy, on the other hand, is a huge collection of stars that are held are together by gravitational attraction. A galaxy contains star systems, star clusters along with interstellar dust.

Another fact is Herschel's name for these objects was popularly adopted and has not been changed since.

This taught me that there might be other "planetary nebulas" out there along with galaxies and we could discover more in the future.

Here is a photo of a Nebula
Image result for nebula