
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Health- Taha Wairua

For the past few weeks 10Ak Health class have been learning all about Taha Wairua and Spiritual well-being, we have been learning about how it can effect people's life.

Spiritual wellbeing-  It is when all of the Values are together and how people connect with each other, it is also a way if people being able to speak. It also gives a purpose in life for people, you can connect through hundreds of different ways, for example- Internet, music/lyrics, notes even nature. To me I believe that my spiritual wellbeing is very important and effects me through everything I do.

Here is a slideshow on one of my Taha Wairua tasks.

Here is a photo about things that are important to me in life and that I think, are the reasons I live happily.

Monday 25 March 2019

Child Labour

My S.E.E.L Paragraph-

Child labour has been around from the 1700s and the early 1800s. Child labour is still to this day very frequent and on going. Around 168 million children are stuck in child labour, and nearly 60% of child labour takes place in Agriculture, because of this, child labour children miss the chance to have a bright education, and have to find or work for more money so they can support and help their families. For example, children are used in child labour and are manipulated into doing longer hours and still get paid under the minimum wage. The reason behind this is that the government of people controlling the child labour, pay minimal as possible while they start becoming filthy rich. The children in child labour have less time to rest that the average kid. They have to grow up working for their life, literally. They also don't have much time to properly bond with their families of friends. Due to child labour so many children are living without basic human rights.

My Final Reflection On My Show Don't Tell post.

My final reflection-

Have I learned anything while working on this topic, if so what and how is it going to help me become a better writer?
While I have been working through this topic, I have started to learn on how to write and create mini proper stories, I have also learn't new words, and I am able to understand and say the meanings. For example the words 'Protagonist & Antagonist'. I think this can help me in life, if I feel like becoming author of novels, or if I would have a job that includes a big amount of writing, it can also help me through writing essays or assessments. It can help me become a better writer, because I would know how to use proper punctuation, and I would be able to explain and be descriptive in my words/sentences.

What activities have I enjoyed from this unit of work and why?
The one that I enjoyed mostly would have to be, creating my own personal 'show don't tell' stories, I found it very fun, and I enjoyed coming up with funny ideas and I got to create a story line while trying to get others to understand and see what I see or can imagine.

Which styles of learning works best for me, can I identify any obstacles to my learning?
I think the style I prefer to work with would have to be setting it up part 1, because I like creative and imaginative stories. I also think a obstacle I had to try harder for would be 'setting as a backdrop' because I don't think I am good at trying to get people to see the background or imagine it.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Show don't tell

Show Don't Tell Sentences

What do you think "Show don't tell" means?
I think it means when, you are telling a story but you're being very descriptive, you are trying to show someone what you can see or have seen, or its trying to get some else to have a view of your story or picture it.

Original S.D.T.S- These are not well descriptive short stories.

The buildings were tall.

My version- The height of the buildings looked as they were the height of a mountain.
Sarah was really upset.

My version- The anger on her face could not be described, she was as red as a Santa hat.
She was so happy to see him.

My version- Her face seemed brighter than ever, her smile going from ear to ear, you could tell she was excited as she waited.
The lake was beautiful.

My version- The light from the sun glistened onto the water as the warm breeze was flowing with the water, it was like you were in a dream.

Setting it up:
A Ghost Town In The Wild Old West-
I can hear the loud cries and groaning from a distance. I am slowly following the silent screams, as I take a glance around where I'm at, there is no person in sight, I am out in a desolated place. I am sensing a dark and gloomy entity, my eyes have adjusted to the dimness of night, the only light to be seen is the moonlight that glistens from my pocketed gun. In the distance I see a small town hall and a couple of stores, but no light to be seen, and no person around, the sand has built up a wall around the buildings, it is dark, gloomy and dead. I get out my flask, take the last sip and let the liquid linger on my tongue. The sweetness and saltiness are all I can savour. The End.

Taking a dip-
I am swimming for my life, I start to take notice of the sirens as I'm being pulled under more into the rip. I start taking short breaths, begging for air, the bitterness of salt from the water is lingering on my tongue. I'm moving too far out, the sirens start becoming faint, I am trying to hold myself above the waves, I suddenly get pushed against the side of a large rock, giving me time to grab and climb onto safety, waiting for the lifeguards to notice me. I can feel a warm liquid slowly going down the side of my cheek, remembering my head hit the rock, noticing the blood starts to get me frightened and confused, my mind turns blank and I pass out. I woke up in a warm bed, noticing that everything was a dream. The End.

Into the flames-
I start inhaling the toxic gases in the air, I am feeling nauseous, my mind is spinning, I am tripping over furniture whilst trying to get my way to my family outside, the smoke begins to make my breathing heavy, my vision begins to blur, I slowly hit the floor, hearing in a distance screams of my name from my family, and I feel the floor begin to shake as wood planks begin to fall, and the walls. As tears were rolling down my face, ash lands inside my mouth. I start gasping for air and all I could think about in that moment is if I would get to see my family one last time. As my eyes get heavy so I close them, I can sense someone lifting my body but I am too weak to respond, so I pass out, the next day I wake up in the hospital and gladly my family were fine and I just had some cuts and small burns.

Setting as a backdrop-
The concert-
The building is as packed as a field of corn, the sound was deafening and the lights were as blinding as staring into the sun. The vibrations from the speakers had spread through the floor, I could feel my chest bumping with the beat and vibrations, drinks ended either down every bodies throat or on the floor. Glow sticks were cut opened up and ended up on the walls, the place was like a loud neon room.

Creating a protagonist-

Main character/lead of a movie or novel-any story line.

Here is a link to my QUIVER I made on my personal protagonist.

Friday 22 March 2019

Mapping of top ten countries that have child labour and are at an extreme rating.

Here is my mapping version of Top 10/11 countries that have the most extreme child labour.

For this map, I had also worked with a partner named- Paige

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Nobel Prize Winner Denis Mukwege Mukengere

Who is Denis Mukwege?
Denis Mukwege is the founder a hospital Named Panzi and is located in Bukavu. He is also known to work there. He Specializes in the treatment of woman who have been raped or sexually harassed from "armed rebels".

What did he do?
He is known for trying to end sexual abuse/harassment as a weapon of war and armed conflicts.

Why did he win the 'Nobel Prize Winner' Award?
He won the award for trying to end sexual harassment/violence in 2018 along with a woman named Nadia Murad.

Fun facts-

- He was born the 1st of March 1955
- Aged 64 years
- He achieve the award in 2018 
- He is Norwegian
- He is on a movie named 'City Of Joy'
-All the awards he achieved to get are- Nobel Peace Prize, Sakharov Prize, Olof Palme Prize, Seoul Peace Prize, Freedom from Want Award, United Nations Prize in the field of Human Rights, Wallenberg Medal, Right Livelihood Award & King Baudouin African Development Prize.

Image result for why did denis mukwege get the nobel prize winner award? Image result for why did denis mukwege get the nobel prize winner award?

Friday 15 March 2019

Bag, sewing terms

For textiles my class are learning the different types of sewing terms and there definitions,
We have also created a personal bag to hold all of our projects.
Here are the photos of 1- Poster of the sewing terms, 2- My bag I created from a t-shirt.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

My Harriet Tubman Paragraph.

Here is a paragraph i have written about a woman named Harriet Tubman, and what she had done to become famous.

 In 1849 Harriet Tubman had for the first time, escape from her life as a slave. She had been known to escape and come back to take more slaves to freedom, for example on one of her returns back she was heard to collect around 70 slaves with her. She was a very famous conductor in the Underground Railroad. She also had some people helping her, help the slaves escape, they were known as Spirituals, they were also of a different race, which meant their help made a bigger impact on the escapes. Harriet Tubman was one of many who successfully escaped slavery.