
Friday 25 May 2018

I wonder...

I wonder what was the first nebula discovered?

The first planetary nebula discovered by a human was the Dumbbell Nebula (M27). It was discovered by a man named Charles Messier in 1764, and it happens to be around 1,360 light years away from earth. The dumbbell is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. After that in 1790,  William Herschel discovered the NGC 1514, on November the 13, 1790, a planetary nebula with a bright central star. Forcing him to rethink his ideas on the constructions of the heavens. It seems to be 2,283 light years away from earth.

Also, the word "Nebula" is Latin for Mist or Cloud and the term "planetary nebula" is a misnomer that originated in the 1780s with astronomer William Herschel because, when he viewed it from his telescope, these objects resemble the rounded shapes of the planets.

What is the difference between a Nebula and a Galaxy?

Nebula is a cloud of interstellar dust and other ionized gases particular helium and hydrogen. A galaxy, on the other hand, is a huge collection of stars that are held are together by gravitational attraction. A galaxy contains star systems, star clusters along with interstellar dust.

Another fact is Herschel's name for these objects was popularly adopted and has not been changed since.

This taught me that there might be other "planetary nebulas" out there along with galaxies and we could discover more in the future.

Here is a photo of a Nebula
Image result for nebula

Tuesday 22 May 2018

My self introduction: In Japanese

Hello, my name is Mikayla.
Konnichiwa Watashi no namae wa mikairo desu

こんいちわ わたし の なまえ わ みかいろ です。
Nice to meet you.
I am 13 years old:
San Juu issai desu,
です。十三さい です。
I live in Christchurch, in New Zealand.
Nyuujiirando no kuraisutochaachi ni Sunde imasu
にゅうじいらんど の くらいすとちゃあち に すんで います。
My favourite subject is Physical Education
Ichiban Suki na kamoku wa taiiku desu.
いちばん すきな かもく わ たいいく です。
One of my nationalities are Maori
Watashi no kokuseki wa Maori desu
わたし の こくせき わ まおり です。

Creative Writing-Floating House

It started as an average day, nothing weird or out of the ordinary, got up but felt a strange dizziness, the house felt unstable, like I was on a rocking boat, I called for my mother but no answer, I got dressed and started looking for her, she wasn't upstairs. I wandered down the stairway holding the barrier closely, feeling like I was going to faint or fall, I paced slowly towards the lounge she wasn't there, I quickly went to the kitchen she wasn't there. I started to worry, I searched everywhere, she was nowhere to be found. Then I heard screams coming from outsides. I looked at my neighbor's house it was still there but there was one little change, the house was floating in the sky I started stressing, freaking out, worrying, wondering where is my family, I quickly ran to the front door, they were okay, but it seemed as when I was asleep they went to the shops, and I stayed in the house, I was scared, lost, confused, a lot of thoughts were running through my head, I couldn't contain myself from screaming. They were screaming at me "Go back inside there's a helicopter on the way!" I quickly ran through the door, ran to my bedroom and hid under the sheets waiting for this to all go away. But I was just too scared of everything I tried to shut my eyes, open them and wish to be in a dream. Turns out it was just a dream, THE END.

My mind map on Monarch for Social Studies

Monday 7 May 2018

Drama 9Ak Matariki

Maori music for a modern audience.

What style of music is this/ who performs it/ what inspires them to write it?
This genre I think is pop music, Stan Walker performs it, I don't really know what inspires them to write it.

What did I like about the music?
I kinda like everything

What did I like about the video?
I like how he represents Aotearoa our country, and our nature, and how he showcases it.

"No matter if you're near or far, we come from the land of God."
"Nō tawhiti, nō tata, Nō te Whenua o te Atua tātou."

Seven stars of Matariki 

What type of story is this?
This is a myth or another legend on Matariki, this is just a different way.

Who was it written for? 
The tamariki in her classroom, and all around.

What is the main idea?
It is her way of knowing about the 7 stars, it is her legend, and what she chooses to believe how it happened.

Choose one story and explain how you would perform it on stage:
Probably get some props and background lightings, I would get waves in the background sounds.

What would it look like on stage?
It would look very dramatic, well I'm not really sure how it would look but that's what I would like it too.