
Wednesday 13 February 2019


What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is another way of saying joint pains or a joint disease, there are also around 100 different types of Arthritis and any relative conditions. Anybody can have arthritis (Children, Adult, sexes, ages, races) etc, it is also the leading cause of most disabilities in America, around 300,000 children and 50 million adults have some type of Arthritis. It can be for all ages but is commonly known to be on older ages and in woman. 

What are the symptoms of Arthritis?

Symptoms of arthritis are, Stiffness, pain, burning sensation in the area, & swelling, these symptoms can come at random times, and can either be a mild pain or a very severe. Arthritis can also be able to cause permanent joint changes in the area it effects you.

Where is Arthritis found in the body?

Arthritis is found in areas where there are joints, so would be in places like,  your elbow, shoulder, feet, fingers, back bone/spine, neck, hips, knees, wrists, hands, heel & toes.

Image result for arthritisImage result for arthritis

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